Thanks for using Drill application v1.33!

Idea and design: View Andrii Khmelkov's LinkedIn profileAndrii Khmelkov
Idea of audio recording: View Tatiana Shvaykina's LinkedIn profileTatiana Shvaykina
Voice and audio recording: View Vlad Chekunov's LinkedIn profileVlad Chekunov

Supported browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox (23.0.1 and up);
- Google Chrome (29.0 and up);
- Opera (Latest);
- Safari (5.1.7 and up).

Supported screen resolution:
- 1280x768 and up.

Known issues:
- Internet Explorer is not supported.

Suggestions, questions and bug reports please send to the following email address.

Q: My screen resolution is less than 1280x768 and not all the cards fit the screen.
A: You can fix that by zooming the page. If you are using Firefox browser: go to "View" tab, "Zoom" - "Zoom Out".
For Chrome go to "Customize and control Google Chrome" - "Zoom".
