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QA Interview Tips

Job interview success is not limited to the technical skills of a candidate. Her personality is of no less importance. We have several videos addressing different aspects of interviewing. All of the videos are developed first and foremost for Portnov Computer School graduates preparing for internship interviews.

We hope that other job seekers might find that information helpful as well.

“Why should we hire you?” is one of the so called Tough Interview questions. Hundreds of career books are answering the “Why should we hire you?” question. Thousands of web site are trying to answer the “Why should we hire you?” question. And still there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

“What is your greatest weakness?” is another very common interview question, which belongs to the same group Tough Interview questions. What is behind the question? Do they really expect us to come up with something real bad about us? Something, which will really disqualify us for the job? Definitely nobody is expecting that even though it happens time to time.

40% of people sincerely believe they have no weaknesses. That is the trap #1 to avoid. People who put themselves into that category have big time problem getting a good job.

Trap #2 is a failure to come up with a fair answer. Lots of people would demonstrate certain sleaziness, they prefer to play games rather than to provide straightforward honest answer.

The “Tell me about yourself?” question is one of the so called “Tough Interview Questions” because to many people it is not clear what exactly should be covered in the answer. Obviously it is NOT about your private life such as family, hobbies, girl friend/boy friend, or health problems. Running into that domain is one of the common mistakes in answering that question. The question should be answered 100% relative to the position you are applying for. Which gives you an opportunity to prove that you are someone to be seriously considered for the job.

Many of us would rather answer the “What makes you a good fit for the position?” question, which is not exactly the one really asked. That is the second common mistake.

Remember: most likely that question comes at the very beginning of the interview. Good answer sets the stage for success in getting the job. Not answering the question turns the interview into the wrong direction from the very beginning.