Software Test Automation with Python
Software Test Automation with Python
Ellie Yampolskaya – Automation Framework Architect, Director of Quality Engineering. Designed and implemented frameworks in Python, JavaScript ( and Java. Extensive experience with Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, Playwright, Robotframework and Behave/Cucumber.
To be successful as a Test Automation Engineer in today’s job market, you must not only be a coder able to implement Web UI Tests, but also be able to navigate and build out test frameworks as well as work with Git, CI, and BDD.
This fully hands-on course is focused on giving you all the tools needed to stand out in the job market, with lots of examples and practice sessions!
- Get you trained in Python basics
- Continue with WebDriver
- Learn to organize the code in Page Object Model as well as BDD
- Get hands on experience working with Git and setting up CI workflows
- and more!!!
Configuring PyCharm for WebDriver automation using Python
Creating tests using PyUnit (unittest)
Python Basics:
- Data types
- Collections
- BuiltIn functions
- Flow control
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Functions
- Classes
Python Concepts
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Instantiation
Abstraction - Parameterization
Framework design
Page Object Model
PyUnit concepts
- Test set up and tear down
- Assertion
Test execution – via command line and via PyCharm
- Commands
- Explicit Wait
- Action chains
WebDriver Manager
Multiple browser support
Using browser Developer Tools
Creating XPath and CSS locators
- Working with frames
- Working with multiple table
- Working with shadow dom
Using JavaScript to work around common WebDriver problems
Working with git via GitHub
- Branching
- Merging
- Rebasing
- Git Actions CI workflows
40 lecture hours
Price: $2200.00
- Pay with a debit/credit card (the option is available in our shopping cart)
- Pay with the Zelle app (make a transfer from your Zelle account)
- Mail us a check (make checks payable to “Portnov Computer School”, mail to 830 Stewart drive, #106, Sunnyvale, CA 94085)

WayneJune, 2021
AnthonyJune, 2021
SibiJune, 2021